How to call Anguilla with 1-264 country code?

To call a phone number in Anguilla, you should use the phone code 1-264. Anguilla is also designated by serval country codes such AI and AIA.
This example will assist you call Anguilla (AIA) :
- Find the AV Country Code (1-264) using our database.
- Get the number you are calling, illustration: 07911 111111.
- Remove the 0 from starting of the number, that results on 7222 88888.
- Add Anguilla country code and call +1-264 7911 111111 from your phone.
If you are calling Anguilla from another country, you need to add the telephone code "+1-264" before dialing the phone number.
About Anguilla Codes
Anguilla AI Phone Code
ISO 3166 ALPHA-2
ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3
The other known country codes for Anguilla are : top-level-domain (.ai), fips (AV) and ISO numeric-3 (826) (660).
AI is also designated by ISO 3166-1 (two-letter) and ISO 3166-1 codes which are AI and AIA.
Appended to the 1-264 country code; these are the outstanding Anguilla country codes.

Country codes table
Phone Code | +1-264 |
ISO two digits | AI |
ISO Three digits | AIA |
.tld | .ai |
ISO numeric-3 | 660 |
E. 164 | 1 |
Language Codes |
Anguilla Time Information
Local time at The Valley :
06:54 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2025
Time Zones :
- America/Anguilla
Global Information about AV
- Capital : The Valley
- Currency : Dollar
- Surface : 102 km²