How to call United Kingdom with 44 country code?

United Kingdom is identified by serval international country codes. The most used code is 44 wich is the phone code. It is used to dial a UK phone number from another country. For example, if you are in France and you are calling « 07911 123356 » phone number in the United Kingdom, you should add « +44 » country code before typing the phone number. This operation results in dialing +44 7921 123356. Importantly, you need to remove the first zero from the phone number. To sum up, you should follow these steps:
- Find the UK Country Code +44 using country code database.
- Get the number you are calling. Example: 07911 123356.
- Remove the « 0 » from the phone number, that leads to 7911 12 3356 from our example.
- Add United Kingdom country code and dial +44 7911 12 3356 from your phone.
About United Kingdom Codes
UK is also identified by known ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 codes which are GB and GBR respectively. The first country code is composed of two G and B letters and the second one is composed of three letters: G, B and R. Added to the 44 country code; these three codes are the three main United Kingdom Country Codes. As you can see, three letters code GBR identifies easily United Kingdom than the two letters code GB.
The other known country codes for GB are the internet top-level-domain (.uk and .gb) and the ISO numeric-3 (826).

Country codes table
The table below is a complete UK country Code that contains all known codes including 44 phone code which is mandatory to make call from anywhere in the world to united kingdom.
Phone Code | +44 |
ISO two digits | GB |
ISO Three digits | GBR |
.tld | .uk |
ISO numeric-3 | 826 |
E. 164 | 44 |
Language Codes |
Radio Website
Time Zones :
- Europe/London
Global Information about UK
The United Kingdom is made up of Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland and it is an island nation which is northwest of Europe. England for one is home to popular figures such as the Beatles and Williams Shakespeare and has London as its capital, which is both the center of culture and finance. England is also home to old universities such as the Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
- Capital : London
- Currency : Pound
- Surface : 244,820 km²